When you get a cash advance against a lawsuit that has not yet been settled, it is referred to as pre settlement funding. It is often one of the most popular ways of looking for emergency cash to cover the basic living expenses or medical bills while awaiting a pending lawsuit to settle.
Any legal funding is based on the quality of the pending lawsuit claim.
Generally, there the process takes just a few minutes to complete and request the funding. As a plaintiff, all you need to do is fill up the application and the rest is taken care of by the solution providers.
It is important to understand that the fund providers are not bank. They do not generally check the credit history or the employment records but is based solely on the quality of the lawsuit. They also do not look into the current financial situation.
As a plaintiff, if you have applied for the pre settlement funding, notify your attorney immediately. Instruct and authorize to release the required documents so that the providers can fully evaluate the application.
You don't need to pay any fees to get the money is the foremost advantage of the funding. Additionally, you can use the lump sum for any of your purpose like rent, food, bill payment or mortgage. It often so happens that the injury prevents from working full time or might reduce the capacity of earning. This is when the funding becomes absolute necessary. You can thus meet the financial obligations without much pain and struggle.
Types of Cases that need pre settlement funding:
- Personal Injury
- Product Liability
- Motor Vehicle Accidents
- Medical Malpractice
- Wrongful Death
- Premises Liability
- General Liability
Elevant Finance Group LLC is a trusted name in the field of funding solutions for small businesses, law firms or consumers. Their solutions fund the pursuit of justice for those plaintiffs and lawyers who are involved in mass tort or personal injury matters. Visit http://elevant.finance/ or dial 855-240-0246 to know more about the solutions they can offer.
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